Nothing Else Matter
...the colorful abtract style that i'm using on this Tshirt. if u can see carefully, there's written Nothing Else Matter behind the wings. I put as mirror image and repeat the massage and put it in different perspective to make it more abstract...
Alive... to be living alive.... alive to be living... OAC Alive.... this design i create using vector logo. two persons image converted to stencil to make it grunge look. the OAC logo i use Photoshop then duplicate to many layers and create the shadow to the logo. from the ribbon, i add the word ALIVE in Bill Hicks font...make it more vivid with black outline to give the stencil plus grunge get more grunge look i add wings and needle pointing star at the back... ......
the spirit reflexion...
...typography is one style that base on word creation while at the same time sending some massage through their word written. with straight line style and sharp edges bring the meaning of the spirit to come alive......
Hard Core will always Rules everything becoz it is all about our hard core...And our hard core is our HEART! if we believe with our heart....we believe with our core! ...
OAC Stay Strong
OAC come out with some more design...STAY using vector and color combinations, the message Stay Strong feel more real with the black background. Keep holding our fist and Stay Strong as we believe we can fly with our wings to achieve our aims and we will be the star for our life...
Archive for 2/27/11 - 3/6/11
This is my idea of expressing mankind by using stencils with combinations of face and words. it looks good on tshirt too...check it out more below.
OAC Hard Core Rules by ochersartcollective
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this t shirt had been choosen as T shirt Best Award on 17/3/2011 on Zazzle...
it's also been featured in